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€ 3500.00 Price:

€ 595.00 Cost (17.00 %):

€ 735.00Btw hoofdsom [EN] (21.00 %):

€ 124.95Btw opgeld [EN] (21.00 %):

€ 4954.95Total:

  •  Lotnumber 0014
  •  Current servertime Tuesday 2 July 2024 - 11u39
  •  Auction start Wednesday 28 March 2018 - 10u15
  •  Auction end Thursday 12 April 2018 - 19u00

lot van 50 pakken parket, 15-classic-220-relief-pinotblanc-dk, 15 mm totale dikte, waarvan 4 mm toplaag Europese eik (Quercus Robur), 220 mm x 2200 mm, classic-sorting: rustieke sortering met mooi afgewerkte knopen en lichte kleurverschillen, zonder hartfouten en met mogelijkheid op beperkt spint, 2 laagse opbouw op Multiplex basis, tand- en groef systeem, afwerking: gezandstraald, matte No-Visible Vernis, verpakking: 2,51 m2 per pak

 Lot has ended This lot is still for sale!

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What is "Total"

The total cost of the lot = your bid + 17 % auction cost + 21 % tax

What is "cost"

The auction cost is 17 % of the amount you have bid on the lot (not including tax)

What is "Tax"

21 % tax is calculated on the amount bid + 17 % auction cost (example: 100 euro bid + 17 euro auction cost + 21 % tax on 117 euro = 141.57 euro total price)